avoid造句1、What should you avoid?
2、How do you avoid disappointment?
3、They didn't avoid every misstep.
4、We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.
5、I excluded table formatting to avoid clutter.
6、Laying should avoid shocked the lower masonry.
7、Therefore we want to avoid measuring it.
8、Be careful to avoid wrong doings.
9、Avoid the second home, and you’ll avoid a truckload of headaches and expenses.
10、The cardinal wanted to avoid damage to the Catholic church; the minister wanted to avoid political upheaval; both wished to avoid deadly loyalist retaliation.
11、If you aren \ 't sure, avoid Fried foods at restaurants.
12、Henceforth it will be more difficult to avoid customs examination.
13、We will avoid any premature withdrawal of stimulus.
14、A blond boy is desperately trying to avoid the robot.
15、We lie to avoid confrontation; improve results; sidestep repercussions.
16、Distraction is not a static obstacle that you avoid like you might avoid a rock in the road.
17、A lot of people try to avoid moving to this contract maturity level by (敷衍是什么意思?敷衍的意思是马虎,不认真,表面上应付或者搪塞责任,指工作不认真负责,表面应付了事,有欺骗的成分。)extensive use of wildcards to avoid versioning.
18、Not only will you avoid the heat from the drier, but if you hang them evenly you'll avoid wrinkles as well.
19、Continue to maintain the exercise to avoid bodily functions aging, the disease could be avoided so as to avoid excessive intake of harmful substances and unhealthy food.
20、Divorced parents especially have to be vigilant to avoid the indulgence trap.
21、Give yourself wiggle room in your operations and marketing budgets, but avoid being excessive.
22、To avoid the wrong pigeonhole, you need to start by attracting the right Attention up front.
23、In order to love, we quietly hide away, and avoid the shadow.
24、Ways to avoid both of these substitution character pitfalls are discussed below.
25、For example, it is unclear why a registry is necessary to "Avoid duplication of effort"; it is the governing policy that can request that special procurement to be applied to avoid duplication.
26、By suppressing our real personality in an attempt to avoid 'offending' women, we fail to offer them any VALUE.
27、And since every character has a meaning, translators must also seek to avoid those characters with negative or weird connotations.
28、Busfield argued that doctors were tempted to prescribe unnecessarily because they wanted to help patients and to avoid risk.
29、I always feather my selections slightly to avoid harsh transitions, here I choose 0.5px as a value.
30、Any actor who doesn't want to reek of despair should avoid such self-mockery at all costs.
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