can
you
feel
it
你能感觉到吗;你感觉到了吗;你能感觉到它
例句
1.You
can
go
out
with
me
if
you
feel
like
it.
你愿意的话,可以跟我出去。
2.You
can
see
it
in
her
eyes
and
you
can
feel
it
in
your
heart.
你可以从她的眼中看到,也可以从心里感觉到。
3.At
a
rock
concert
in
Soweto
the
night
before
the
opening
game,
Tutu
tried
to
put
it
into
words.
"Can
you
feel
it?
"
he
exclaimed.
在开幕战前一晚于索韦托举办的摇滚演唱会里,图图主教试图把这感觉付诸文字:「你感觉到了吗?」
4.You
may
not
be
able
to
reform
them,
but
you
can
let
go
of
(and
control)
the
anger
and
frustration
you
feel
about
it.
你可能改变不了他们,但你可以改变自己的怒火,控制你自己的思想。
5.Heat
is
all
round
us
.
You
cannot
see
it
,
but
you
can
feel
it
.
热围绕着我们,你不能看到它,但你可以感觉到它。