


《哈利•波特》系列魔幻小说是一部创作了10年之久的经典儿童文学作品,自J.K罗琳在其24岁时萌生进行魔幻题材写作之后,历经7年构思,直至1997年出版第一部《哈利•波特与魔法石》,并且世界为之喝彩。Harry Potter is a series of classic fantasy novels written by J. K. Rowling over a ten-year period. Since Rowling got the idea of writing fantasy novels at the age of 24, she spent seven years creating the stories until the publication of the first of the series Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in 1997 which won her the applause from around the world..之后《哈利•波特》系列一共出版7部,并在2007年7月7日出版了收官之作《哈利•波特与死亡圣器》随着这些作品的陆续问世,不断的刷新着世界小说发行史的记录,而J.K罗琳本人也因此名利双收,堪称文学史上的一个奇迹。Since then, Harry Potter saw six more novels in its series until the final one Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows in July 7th, 2007. The publication of these novels continually refreshed the world fiction publication record and brought both fame and wealth to Rowling, which is arguably a wonder in the literature history.本篇文章着重分析《哈利•波特》系列风靡世界背后的原因,阐述《哈利•波特》超越儿童文学范畴是怎样引发不同年龄层面人们的共鸣,揭开《哈利•波特》魔幻叙事的内核。” This article analyzes the reasons behind the worldwide popularity of the Harry Potter series, illustrates how it appeals to readers of all ages beyond the scope of children's literature, and uncovers the core of fantasy narration in Harry Potter.“关键词:哈利波特;叙事艺术;人物形象塑造;文学渊源”Keywords: Harry Potter, Art of narration, Character building, Literature sources正文应该译得比较到位了。这几个关键词的译法我不是非常确信,可能的话还是看看文献中的常用译法吧。请斟酌使用。