
英语翻译 中国是一个和谐的大家庭,我们生活在这样愉悦的环境下,每个人都是幸福的孩子.奥运会的吉祥物“福娃”也正代表了我们这群幸福的.天真的孩子. 福娃是由“欢欢”“迎迎”“贝贝”“晶晶”“妮妮”五个充满中国民族特色的娃娃组成.五个福娃名字的谐音加起来正是“北京欢迎您”.这再一次表达了中国人民对世界人民的友好.福娃的颜色也正好呼应奥运五环红橙黄绿蓝,表现了北京奥运对奥运精神的完美诠释. 就这些... 用在线翻译的翻译器弄出来的就算了... 不准确.. 对了的话给300...

英语翻译 中国是一个和谐的大家庭,我们生活在这样愉悦的环境下,每个人都是幸福的孩子.奥运会的吉祥物“福娃”也正代表了我们这群幸福的.天真的孩子. 福娃是由“欢欢”“迎迎”“贝贝”“晶晶”“妮妮”五个充满中国民族特色的娃娃组成.五个福娃名字的谐音加起来正是“北京欢迎您”.这再一次表达了中国人民对世界人民的友好.福娃的颜色也正好呼应奥运五环红橙黄绿蓝,表现了北京奥运对奥运精神的完美诠释. 就这些... 用在线翻译的翻译器弄出来的就算了... 不准确.. 对了的话给300...

China is a big harmonious family,everyone is a happy child,because we are living under this joyful environment.The Chinese Olympic mascot is "Fuwa",this also symbolises us,this group of happy and naive child.

Fuwa is formed by five dolls full of the uniqueness of Chinese culture,they are"Huanhuan" "Yingying" "Beibei" "Jingjing" and "Nini".The harmonic tone of all the five dolls' name is "Beijing huan ying ni" which means "Beijing welcomes you".Again this expresses the friendlyness of the Chinese to the people all around the world.The colour of the five Fuwa is made up of the five colour of the Olympic ring,red,orange,yellow,green and blue.This represents the perfection of annotation of Beijing Olympic towards the spirit of Olympic games.


China is a Harmonious big family .We live in Environment .Everyone is a happy child.The olympics "fuwa"is known for we're .fuwa.is stand for "huanhuan" " yingying" "beibei"jingjing" "nini" the five Fill China Culture's Babys.The five baby's the harmonics add are precisely "bei jing huan ying nin".and again Expression Chines is very friendly to All the world people.fuwa is red orange yellow green and black composition . Has displayed Beijing Olympic Games to the Olympic Games spirit perfect annotation .这个是以我的水平翻译出来的哦!你可以适当的修改一下吧~~

供你参考,呵呵China is a big harmonious family, we are living in the joviality country,everybody feels happy. The mascot “fuwa” of the Olympic Games just represent us , a group of happy and innocent children。The “fuwa” are formed from five dolls who are full of Chinese characteristics,they are huanhuan,yingying,beibei,jingjing and nini respectively. Their names are similar to the sentence for "Peking welcomes you",it expressed Chinese people's kindness to the worlds’people again.The “fuwa” have the same colors of the Olympic rings,which are red,orange,yellow,green and blue.This represents perfect annotation of Beijing Olympic Games towards the spirit of the Olympic Games.

China is a Harmonious big family .We live in Environment .Everyone is a happy child.The olympics "fuwa"is known for we're . fuwa.is stand for "huanhuan" " yingying" "beibei"jingjing" "nini" the five Fill China Culture's Babys.The five baby's the harmonics add are precisely "bei jing huan ying nin".and again Expression Chines is very friendly to All the world people.fuwa is red orange yellow green and black composition . Has displayed Beijing Olympic Games to the Olympic Games spirit perfect annotation .