
It took seven strong men little more than a few hours to take down 30 years of history.

It took seven strong men little more than a few hours to take down 30 years of history.

1. B.词义猜测题.根据文章内容,Bark beetles(树皮虫)hadtaken their toll onour trees. If you're ever driving along and see an entire mountainside with trees that look like they have been painted with rust(铁锈), say hello to the bark beetles.树皮虫对我们的数是会造成很大的危害的,当你开车经过一片树林而又发现那些树像被粉刷了铁锈的话,那说明满满的都是树皮虫.结合选项,故选B.2.A.细节理解题.根据文章内容,The pines in our backyard were only 1.5meters tall when we moved in. They grew right alongside our kids, and in the same manner: silently and quickly…Those pines once stretched a hammock(吊床)between the two of them. They watched over our rounds of hide-and-seek, snowfalls, and countless family gatherings…由此可知,当作者的孩子还小的时候,他们经常在院子里玩耍,他们会把吊床绑在二棵松树之间,他们就在庭院里度过愉快的时光.结合选项,故选A.3.B.细节理解题.根据文章内容,Trees tend to be symbols of strength and beauty…The trees returned to Mount St. Helens - and they returned faster than the experts predicted. To all who had witnessed the devastation, the regrowth was encouraging. Those small trees reminded us of the beauty of new beginnings.由此可知,在经历了火山喷发以后,这些树后来又重新开始生长,他们的重生就是一个非常鼓舞的事情,这些树提醒着我们这是新的美好的开始.结合选项,故选B.4.D.主旨大意题.根据文章内容,本文章主要讲述了作者对于树的感想,面对各种困境以及磨难以后,树仍旧可以屹立不倒,重新生长,这就是人们所需要的不怕困难的精神.结合选项,故选D.