AmendAmend is a verb that means to rectify, correct, or improve something for its betterment. If you think the word has to do something with amendments made by legislators in assemblies, you are right. This is because laws are amended to make them better in the interests of the people. Amendment is always done to remove a fault or to make a better, improved design of something.• The management amended the rule to make it easier for the employees.(Amend主要有让改正修正的事物更好更完善的意味, 除了书面的修订, 还可以是法条法规等的修订.) EmendEmend is a verb that means to rectify mistakes in a written text. This is a word rarely used in our daily lives, and it is mostly confined to professionals concerned with writing and editing. If you are doing editing of a text, you are actually emending it.• This article needs to be emended as it has many mistakes in it.(Emend主要是把错的改正为对的, 而且较限於书面的校订)