vt. 离开; 放弃,抛弃; 停止,中断; 偿清;vi. 辞职; 停止; 放弃斗争;adj. 自由的; 摆脱了责任或义务的;"quit"例句:
1,While this sounds fantastic and unbelievable to many, it is quite true. 然而这对很多人来说显得有些异想天开和不太现实,事实确实如此。
2,That's quite true, but English is after all a worm language. 确实如此,不过英语毕竟是一种世界性语言。
3,It's not that difficult. As a matter of fact, it's quite easy .这并不那么困难,实际上,容易得很。
4,I feel quite ashamed that I have not fulfilled the task. 我没有完成任务,感到很惭愧。5、I felt our engagement was quite an unhappy time. 我觉得我们订婚期间非常不愉快。6、This course is quite palatable. 这道菜非常鲜美可口。