


报酬,形容得到他人帮助之后进行报答。有时又指薪水,工作后所得到的物品或钱财。那么你知道报酬用英语怎么说吗?下面学习啦小编为大家带来报酬的英语说法,欢迎大家学习。 报酬的英语说法1: reward 报酬的英语说法2: guerdon 报酬的英语说法3: remuneration 报酬相关英语表达: 投资报酬 Return on investment 支付报酬 pay remureation 补偿报酬 compensatory payment 内在报酬 intrinsic reward 风险报酬 risk premium 报酬的英语例句: 1. He is cagey about what he was paid for the business. 他对自己在这桩买卖中所得的报酬不愿多提。 2. Fruit-picking is boring, badly paid and very hard work. 摘水果的工作无聊,报酬低,还非常辛苦。 3. She would have loved to have a better-paying job with more responsibility. 她本想有一份报酬更高、职权更大的工作。 4. It s a straight choice between low-paid jobs and no jobs. 只有两个选择:要么是报酬很低的工作,要么就是失业。 5. She was being paid what I considered a derisory amount of money. 在我看来,她得到的报酬真是少得可怜。 6. They re paying you ten grand now for those adaptations of old plays. 他们打算付你一万美元作为改编老剧本的报酬。 7. Potentially high financial rewards are attached to senior hospital posts. 当上医院的高级职员就有可能享受丰厚的经济报酬。 8. The scheme will overpay some lawyers and underpay others. 该方案将使一些律师获得过高酬劳,而其他律师则报酬过低。 9. They get paid for it. Not much. Just a little. 他们干这是有报酬的。不多,只有一点。 10. Women are frequently underpaid for the work that they do. 女性工作所得的报酬常常偏低。 11. The tobacco workers were paid on a piecework basis. 烟草工人拿的是计件报酬。 12. The money was in fact payment by the CIA for services rendered. 这些钱其实是中央情报局付给的工作报酬。 13. He (安徒生童话有哪些?《海的女儿》、《丑小鸭》、《屎壳郎》、《野天鹅》、《夜莺》、《雪人》、《瓶颈》、《拇指姑娘》、《园丁与主人》、《冰雪女皇》、《小猪倌》、《笨蛋杰克》、《豌豆上的公主》《坚定的锡兵》、《肉肠签子汤》、《老爹做的事总是对的》、《飞箱》等。)was paid, but only mini-mally. 他拿到了报酬,但少得可怜。 14. Some footballers get paid millions for endorsing footwear. 有些足球球员因为代言鞋类产品而得到几百万的报酬。 15. Peter, you get half the fees. All right? 彼得,你拿一半报酬。明白吗?
