



电视上这几天常说hlod就是说 要淡定的意思

很多种意思 把握住……

hold 姐就是撑住整个场面的姐的意思、、


v. 拿着, 控制, 容纳, 握住, 持有, 保持, 掌握, 认为, 举行

v. I want you to stand beside me and hold the torch.

v. 我要你拿着手电筒站在我旁边。

v. 拿着

v. I want you to stand beside me and hold the torch.

v. 我要你拿着手电筒站在我旁边。

v. 控制

v. He has been trying hard to hold his temper.

v. 他一直尽力控制自己不发脾气。

v. 容纳

v. The new football stadium can hold eighty thousand people.

v. 新的足球场可以容纳八万人。

v. 握住

v. I'll always be the one to firmly hold your hands.

v. 我永远都会坚定地握住你的手。

v. 持有

v. They hold different views on this matter.

v. 他们对这个问题持有不同的观点。

v. 保持

v. I fear that this fine weather won't hold much longer.

v. 我担心这样的好天气保持不了多久。

v. 掌握

v. Executive power is held by the president.

v. 执行权由董事长掌握。

v. 认为

v. We hold that all nations should be equal.

v. 我们认为所有国家都应一律平等。

v. 举行

v. We held a party to celebrate our success.

v. 我们举行宴会庆祝我们的成功。

n. 握住, 控制, 把握, 立足点, 延误, 影响

n. 握住

n. His hold on her arm tightened.

n. 他把她的胳膊抓得更紧了。

n. 控制

n. Their forces had consolidated their hold on the area.

n. 他们的军队加强了对这一地区的控制。

n. 把握

n. You have to get a good hold of this idea.

n. 你得好好把握这个观点。

n. 立足点

n. When you are climbing, you need to find a good hold to prevent you from falling.

n. 攀登时,你需要找一个好的立足点来避免摔落。

n. 延误

n. There was an aeroplane hold again due to the heavy fog.

n. 由于大雾天气,飞机又一次延误了。

n. 影响

n. He has a tremendous hold over his younger brother.

n. 他对他弟弟很有影响。

n. (飞机、船等)舱

n. (飞机、船等)舱

n. The ship's cargo is stowed in the hold.

n. 船的货物都装好放在舱里。
