


Love in full bloom Piaoyu the street

There is a very warm feeling

Just what is the illusion of instant

Rain does not put out another great

Love stroking the floating leaves under the

Memory stays on your shoulder

I do not know too much about love

How to bid farewell to

A person how to be romantic plot across the

How do I make heart slowly cooling

Swear words about to distinguish the sub-cut gently

Only I replaced the tears of a compromise

Love stroking the floating leaves under the

Memory stays on your shoulder

I do not know too much about love

How to bid farewell to

A person how to be romantic plot across the

How do I make heart slowly cooling

Swear words about to distinguish the sub-cut gently

Only I replaced the tears of a compromise

Circumstances of a person's romantic and lonely overlap

Listen to your favorite music song

To miss all gradually become the only

Hope that he will love you more

I hope that he can replace the I love you more

let's go watch the meteor shower (一起来看流星雨)

meteor shower

let's watch the meteor shower together.

There is also a person's romantic
